Problem N. Palindromes
Input file name: standard input
Output file name: standard output
Time limit: 1 s
Memory limit: 256 MB
Assume that the strings s and t of length n are equivalent, if, for each pair of indices i and j such that 1 \le i \le j \le n, a substring of s consisting of symbols from i-th to j-th is a palindrome if and only if the substring of t consisting of symbols from i-th to j-th is also a palindrome (if the corresponding substring of s is not a palindrome then the substring of t will not be a palindrome as well).
Given the string s, find the number of strings that are equivalent to s and have the same length.
You are allowed to use any lowercase letters of the English alphabet.


A single line contains a non-empty string s. The string length does not exceed 10^6.


Output a single number, the answer to the problem modulo 1\,000\,000\,007.


standard inputstandard output
icpc 15600
abacaba 15600
yxxy 650